Services Provided


We are able to offer medical care for the majority of illnesses which affect all age groups form newborns to the elderly. We provide pediatric and adult outpatient care as well as hospital care when needed. We will perform minor surgical procedures in the office, and usually will assist at any major surgery on our patients.

Office hours are 8-5, Monday through Friday. We do have Saturday office hours, by appointment only, for urgent medical needs. Please call shortly after 9am on Saturday so an appropriate time can be scheduled. Together, we share emergency calls for our patients after office hours, and on weekends and holidays. The telephone exchange operator will connect you with us when you call the office number during those times. Depending on the circumstances we will decide if we can see you in the office or if we need to refer you to the emergency room for evaluation. We maintain a close communication with the emergency room physicians who will report on your condition to us, and should you require admission to the hospital, we will come in to admit you. Please reserve the “after hours” calls for true emergency or urgent situations.

Refills on medications should be requested during offices hours, and only in emergency situations on weekends. We require a 48-hour business day notice for refill requests.

More information on our services is coming soon.